English 中文(简体)
1. 穿过 has和阵列,以便解决问题
原标题:passing hash and array to function problem
  • 时间:2011-03-14 09:43:31
  •  标签:
  • perl

我正试图通过<代码>ConnectODBC(%dings ,@jointionString);h abd 然后阵列

在这项职能中,我装上了my (%dings ,@jointionString) = @_;

for hash i get the right values but for print $connectionString[0] . ". ";

页: 1 在分类中使用未初始价值[0] ()



Since you are assigning to a list/hash, the first argument absorbs it all.

my %h1 = ( key => value );
my @a1 = (1, 2 );
my ( @a2, %h2 ) = ( @a1, %h1 );
# @a2 now contains (1,2,key,value) and %h2 is undefined.


ConnectODBC( \%settings , @connectionString);
sub ConnectODBC {
    my ( $setting_ref, $connection_ref ) = @_;
    my %settings = %$setting_ref;
    my @connectionString = @$connection_ref;

我应该指出,在非常规提法中添加斜体和阵列可能没有必要。 你可以直接从参考中获取环境。 http://www.ohchr.org。



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