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触发目标= Java的空白链接
原标题:Triggering a target=_blank link from JavaScript
  • 时间:2011-03-12 01:46:48
  •  标签:
  • javascript



<a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">


为此,我增列一个<代码>click的活动,该活动含有谷歌图像。 图像是指转换。 为了绝对确保图像在用户离开之前被装上,我使用图像<代码><>load/code>活动着手实现原始链接指标。

$("#linkname").click(function() {

 var element = document.createElement("img");
 element.onload = function() { ..... };
 element.setAttribute("src", "http://www.googleadservices.com/....");


This will work fine using location.href. However, it won t work for target="blank" links. I m baffled as to what to put into the onload function in order to open a new window.

  • 我可以使用<条码>window. open,因为它将被人pop住。 (因其位于图像onload上。) 这一事件看上去的只是方案性的呼吁,与被点击的联系毫无关系。 此外,电话窗口。 在没有任何选择的情况下开放,对谷歌 Chrome没有任何控制。

  • I can t make the click event continue its normal course because I have to wait until the image is loaded, which is an asynchronous operation!


或者,在让连接点的原始<条码>click时,我还需要可靠地计算点击。 活动继续如期进行。



由于链接在新窗口中打开,你实际上不必等到图像装上。 让目前窗口中的图像负荷(正在做的)并使用户看到新的窗口是正常的。 用户在装上图像之前就不太可能关闭窗户,因此该数字不会受到干扰。



Try to open a new window with no location, but on the real click event (not in the onload of the image), but open this window with width and height 0, and puts its x and y in somewhere not visible by the user, or less visible as possible. Keep a reference to this window.

On the onload event of your image, change the location of the new window s url, and then resize and reposition the new window.


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