English 中文(简体)
Java - 变化
原标题:Java - Change int to ascii
  • 时间:2011-03-16 17:10:37
  •  标签:
  • java
  • int




int yourInt = 33;
char ch = (char) yourInt;
// Output:
// 33
// !


int yourInt = 33;
String str = String.valueOf(yourInt);


If you first convert the int to a char, you will have your ascii code.


    int iAsciiValue = 9; // Currently just the number 9, but we want Tab character
    // Put the tab character into a string
    String strAsciiTab = Character.toString((char) iAsciiValue);


private static String toASCII(int value) {
    int length = 4;
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length);
    for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        builder.append((char) ((value >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF));
    return builder.toString();


byte[] test = new byte[] { (byte) 0x54, (byte) 0x45, (byte) 0x53, (byte) 0x54 };


int value = ByteBuffer.wrap(test).getInt(); // 1413829460
System.out.println(toASCII(value)); // outputs "TEST"

......这样基本上将四位按32轨的 in合转化为4种不同的ASCII特性(一种特性是每 by)。

你们可以在 j将一些数字转换到ASCII。 例如,将第1号(基数为10)改为ASCII。

char k = Character.forDigit(1, 10);
System.out.println("Character: " + k);
System.out.println("Character: " + ((int) k));


Character: 1
Character: 49

In fact in the last answer String strAsciiTab = Character.toString((char) iAsciiValue); the essential part is (char)iAsciiValue which is doing the job (Character.toString useless)

Meaning the first answer was correct actually char ch = (char) yourInt;



public char toChar(int c) {
    return (char)c;

The most simple way is to get integer and just use the casting operator Ex

int num = 33;
System.out.println((char) num);    //Outputs 33

//if you want to find the integer value of character instead.
//Just do the reverse

char ch =  % ;
System.out.println((int) ch);

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