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• 弹道试验
原标题:AspectJ :: Surefire tests gives NoSuchMethodError

我正在编辑AspectJ在现有课堂上挖掘的时间,这在剪辑中是美丽的。 但是,当我用定点火在ven夜中进行测试时,这一类的试验案例在适用方面已经失败。 我确信,挖掘工作正在正确进行,它像一个阶级道路问题一样。 下面是我进行定点火试验时的错误。

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.online.station.OBSDescriptorBrokerageMortgageRemovalAspect.aspectOf()Lcom/online/station/OBSDescriptorBrokerageMortgageRemovalAspect; at com.online.station.delegate.fundstransfer.AuthorizeAccForTransfDelegImpl.unpackResponse(AuthorizeAccForTransfDelegImpl.java:111)




Is there any need to have a aop.xml for this to work ? Following is the aspectj plugin info.

        <!-- Class AspectClass1 and dependencies -->

        <goal>compile</goal>                <goal>test-compile</goal>       </goals>


Any Any

Thanks !! Girish



  1. Make sure that your aspectj plugin for maven is configured correctly. If you have any questions about that, paste that part of your pom.xml in your question above.
  2. Make sure that your aop.xml references all of the required aspects.
  3. Make sure that your aspect-path/in-path is configured properly.

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