English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do find a element that is less then another element?

I m 试图建立一个用扼杀而不是ger器的宾平搜索方案。 问题在于,我不知道如何使数量少而少,这样就显得微不足道。



   The StringBinarySearcher class provides a public static
   method for performing a binary search on an String array.

public class StringBinarySearcher
      The search method performs a binary search on an String
      array. The array is searched for the number passed to
      value. If the number is found, its array subscript is
      returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned indicating the
      value was not found in the array.
      @param numbers The array to search.
      @param value The value to search for.

   public static int search(String[] numbers, String value)
      int first;       // First array element
      int last;        // Last array element
      int middle;      // Mid point of search
      int position;    // Position of search value
      boolean found;   // Flag

      // Set the inital values.
      first = 0;
      last = numbers.length - 1;
      position = -1;
      found = false;

      // Search for the value.
      while (!found && first <= last)
         // Calculate mid point
         middle = (first + last) / 2;

         // If value is found at midpoint...
         if (numbers[middle] == value)
            found = true;
            position = middle;

         // else if value is in lower half...
         // needs array to be less then the string value?, without using equality regulators
         else if (numbers[middle].compareTo(numbers[middle +1]) > 0)
            last = middle - 1;
         // else if value is in upper half....
            first = middle + 1;

      // Return the position of the item, or -1
      // if it was not found.
      return position;

你的问题是比较操作员(=)。 比较操作者仅对 Java的原始数据类型作了明确界定。 浏览是一种类别(不是原始数据类型)。 因此,您将需要使用“Sting s>codequalitys(String)方法加以比较。

If you want to compare them as numbers, then you will need to parse them into Integers. For this, you can use Integer.parseInt(String) and then compare the Integers.

对于原始数据类型,这种工程是罚款的。 不是用于 Str。

= 用于检查两个物体的参照点是否相同。

String strName1 = "Me";
String strName2 = new String("Me");

strName1 == strName2 is false. Since they are referring to two different objects.


if (strName2 .equals(strName2 )) {
    System.out.println("Me and Me are same :P");

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