English 中文(简体)
原标题:Apply new function on an object
  • 时间:2011-03-21 17:34:19
  •  标签:
  • java

我有一席之地,我希望一劳永逸地(它将是更换方)履行职务。 如果插图称作<条码>,,则我想做些什么,而我的职能是<条码>。 我应如何宣布<代码>color(? 我是否应该把它放在一个延伸到<编码>的类别中? 我是否应该放弃这一点,而是应该把<编码>color(string)?


String is a final class in java and so you cannot extend and add method to String class
You should do color(String) instead.
If you re dealing with bunch of replacement in String consider StringBuilder instead.


Just do public 斯特林(String){......}

由于您可以修改<代码>String(即可再改动),你将重新从这两种办法中恢复新的<代码>String。 只要情况证明有理由使用像继承或组成这样的更为复杂的东西,那么远见就更直截了当。


  • String is a final class, so you can t define a subclass of it with your own operations on.
  • You can create any interfaces you like, but you can t make String implement them - so the method on the interface would need to take a String as an argument, and then you re back to color(String) again.

Consider composition (e.g. a simple wrapper for String):

public class EnhancedString {
    private String str;
    public EnhancedString(final String str) {
        this.str = str;
    public EnhancedString color() {
        // do some stuff and return the result
        return this;
    public EnhancedString anotherReplacement() {
        // more stuff
        return this;


EnhancedString estr = new EnhancedString("testing");

页: 1




public static String color(String someString) {
    // Your logic that creates a new "colored" String and returns this new String


String coloredString = StringUtil.color(someString);


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