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原标题:Design Practice: code to create before deletion in deletion test case?

I have written test case for deletion of entity. In test case I simply pick first record by select query and pass its id to deletion method. Entity I want to delete can have some child entities restricting it from deletion. So I suppose I should create a entity first in my deletion test case and destroy same then so that I don t face issues of child dependency. Is it good practice to write code for creation of entity before deletion. Its kind of testing creation method before deletion method.Please suggest

Edit: I am working on Rail platform, so I have features like loading database with fixtures (not using currently, facing some error with same, see this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5288142/rails-fixture-expects-table-name-to-be-prefixed-with-module-name-how-to-disable ). And yes I am using configuration to restore database state after test case run.


In unit-testing, you usually perform some sort of set-up before you run your tests.

许多测试框架支持这种运作。 通常,你不通过外部询问这样做;例如,你可以直接制造带有某些特性的物体,而不是进行外部衍生的<代码>create查询。

Because you directly create the object in the first place, you are not testing your creation query code (unless the way you internally create objects is flawed, but if you are concerned about that, you can test it too), and your deletion code is the only thing being tested.

In test case i simply pick first record by select query

这是错误的。 在单位测试期间,你不应进行询问。


  1. Delete an existent;
  2. Delete a non existent Entity;
  3. Delete a child;
  4. Delete a non existent child;

如果你的单位测试框架允许测试依赖性,即只有在测试Y通行证和将Y的回报值作为参数通过X时,你才能放弃测试。 这里如何看待购买力平价:

function setUp() {
    $this->dao = new UserDao(...);

function testCreate() {
    $user = $this->dao->create( Bob );
    assertThat($user, notNullValue());
    // more assertions about the new user
    return $user->getId();

 * @depends testCreate
function testDelete($id) {
    assertThat($this->dao->delete($id), is(true));

如果测试失败,PHPUnit将进行超时测试。 如果你不能在每次试验之前建立标准测试数据,那么这是一个良好的工作环绕。

在删除前起草实体创建守则是否良好做法。 在删除方法之前采用这种测试生成方法。 请建议



如果你根据相同数据进行了多次测试,则可以将制作工作引向一种方法,在每次测试中,你都需要这一数据。 多数测试框架还有一个具体规定<代码> > >> >> >的机制。 在每次测试之前使用的方法,如果需要所有测试类别的数据,则你可以把制造放在试验场。

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