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perl html parsing lib/tool
原标题:perl html parsing lib/tool




As you re looking for power, you can use XML::LibXML to parse HTML. The advantage then is that you have all the power of the fastest and best XML toolchain (excecpt MSXML, which is MS only) available to Perl to process your document, including XPath and XSLT (which would require a re-parse if you used another parser than XML::LibXML).

use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
# In 1.70, the recover and suppress_warnings options won t shup up the
# warnings. Hence, a workaround is needed to keep the messages away from
# the screen.
sub shutup_stderr {
    my( $subref, $bufref ) = @_;
    open my $fhbuf,  > , $bufref;
    local *STDERR = $fhbuf;
    $subref->(); # execute code that needs to be shut up
# ==== main ============================================================
my $url = shift ||  http://www.google.de ;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new( recover => 2 ); # suppress_warnings => 1
# Note that "recover" and "suppress_warnings" might not work - see above.
# https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=58024
my $dom; # receive document
    sub { $dom = $parser->load_html( location => $url ) }, # code
    my $errmsg; # buffer
# Now process document as XML.
my @nodes = $dom->getElementsByLocalName(  title  );
printf "Document title: %s
", $_->textContent for @nodes;
printf "Lenght of error messages: %u
", length $errmsg;
print  -  x 72, "
print $dom->toString( 1 );

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