English 中文(简体)
原标题:how do I set the size/position of a custom UIView for its placing within a custom UITableViewCell?


我有一套习惯(下级)可调电的电文,其中部分电池包括一些行文(动力学),这些行文是作为“质询”。 想法是形成习惯观点(这是物品的排数),然后当UITableViewCell打上了布局表时,它将(a) 确立自己的位置,(b) 穿透并称之为它用于各行各行的海关数据。

<问——我不敢确定如何正确确定“IDView”的大小/位置? 我如何在习俗调查中确定其X、y、width、hala,以便我能够定位?

举例来说,我是否确实需要人工操作,采用UITableCellView的排他性调查方法,穿过所有各行,并采用一种习惯方法,通过他们需要的位置/地点/时间? 当时,当海关调查组的定点排外调查方法受到打击时,它会知道,它会发现储存这些价值以使用这些价值的各种实例吗?



<>Dynamic Customs UITableCellView(下级)

  • determines rowHeight dynamically in heightForRowAtIndexPath
  • in layoutSubviews it includes looping through subviews (of custom UIView I have) and calls layoutSubview on each of these

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 在《海关调查》中(代表一系列物品,例如:国际劳工局)。

  • in layoutSubview - QUESTION: How do set the size of the frame of this subview?
  • I assume the x,y for the frame should be 0,0?
  • For the width/height how do you get the full size of the superview area to which it should set in?
  • Should the superview have passed this information down to it prior to the layoutSubviews?

any views added as part of the tableViewCell subclass are positioned relative to the cells frame, ie x:0,y:0 for the subview origin, would be the top left corner of the tableCell. Something like this should be enough to get you started.

CGRect frame =[self frame];
[subview setFrame:frame];



- (void) setHeight: (CGFloat) height;
- (void) setWidth: (CGFloat) width;
- (void) setTop: (CGFloat) top;
- (void) setLeft: (CGFloat) left;


- (void) setHeight: (CGFloat) height {
    CGRect frame = self.frame;
    frame.size.height = height;
    self.frame = frame;
- (void) setWidth: (CGFloat) width {
    CGRect frame = self.frame;
    frame.size.width = width;
    self.frame = frame;
- (void) setTop: (CGFloat) top {
    CGRect frame = self.frame;
    frame.origin.y = top;
    self.frame = frame;
- (void) setLeft: (CGFloat) left {
    CGRect frame = self.frame;
    frame.origin.x = left;
    self.frame = frame;

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