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定制Maven Reporting Plugins for a Confluence Wiki
原标题:Customizing Maven Reporting Plugins for a Confluence Wiki

I ve developed a Maven reporting plugin for internal use at our company. It s designed to work in standalone mode so that it can be run against a given project without having to be configured in the <reporting> section of the pom.

然而,该文件的格式目前为xhtml,我们的所有项目(docs)目前都储存在“机密”上。 在保密标记中制作文件是十分方便的。 现有<代码>ConfluenceSink 和ConfluenceSinkFactory。 能够产生适当标识的班级,但我看不出确定<代码>子类使用的汇的明显方式。 摘要MavenReport。


  • Overriding the execute method as this currently hardcodes the use of SiteRendererSink, which outputs xhtml.
  • Finding an alternative to SiteRenderer.generateDocument(), as this method requires the above-mentioned SiteRendererSink.

是否有任何人处理这些问题? 赞赏反馈意见。

最后,我能否仅记录一下Maven的APIC文件是荒谬的吗? 我不需要一门手法——只是一些基本的 j子,而深思熟虑的评论的 sp缩,将大大有助于了解本法典的任何内容。



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