I do some IOCP Server and Client test. The IOCP Server accept the clients connects and do nothing but recv datapackets from clients. The clients connect the server and send datapackets to server in an infinit loop.
我提出了反对。 当服务器接受客户时,其数额会增加,而当笔记本关闭时,则会减少。
Here is the question: The counter increases to 32261 and not increases any more. The Server cannot accept more connects, The GetLastError() return 10055, WSAENOBUF.
我的顾问办公室是Windows XP,记忆是4GB。 我也检查了未页的记忆。 我认为我有足够的记忆。
What limits the maximum of connects? How can I enlarge the maximum connects?