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jQuery Inserting elements in the correct order vs detach().sort()?

Let s say I have the following html structure:


Is it possible (and how) to insert a new element <li>3</li> in the correct order without detaching the elements and resorting? Reason being, I believe if you .detach() and .append() the elements, you will cause a page reflow (which I suppose would happen anyways if the elements move around). But for some reason, it seems much cleaner to insert it in the right spot vs append/detach/sort/append.

I ve seen the nth-child selector in jQuery and I m working with the underscore.js framework too (which provides _.sortedIndex which tells me the correct position of the element), but I can t seem to figure out the right way to put it in there.

Some background: I m working with backbone.js and I have a collection of items. Then I assume I need a View of the collection (or view per item in the collection?). When I add an element to the collection, I have the comparator set so the collection is sorted properly, but the View on the page is not sorted.

For those getting here via google, here s what I eventually came up with in backbone.js:

Item = Backbone.Model.extend({});

ItemList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Item,

    comparator: function(item) {
        return item.get( id );

ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName:  li ,
    className:  item ,

    initialize: function() {
        _.bindAll(this,  render );
        this.model.bind( change , this.render);
        this.model.view = this;

    render: function() {
        $(this.el).text(this.model.get( name ));
        return this;

App = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $( #mylist ),

    initialize: function() {
        _.bindAll(this,  add_one ,  add_all ,  render );

        this.items = new ItemList();
        this.items.bind( add , this.add_one);
        this.items.bind( refresh , this.add_all);
        this.items.bind( all , this.render);

        this.items.add(new Item({id: 2, name:  two }));
        this.items.add(new Item({id: 5, name:  five }));
        this.items.add(new Item({id: 1, name:  one }));
        this.items.add(new Item({id: 4, name:  four }));
        this.items.add(new Item({id: 3, name:  three }));        
        this.items.add(new Item({id: 6, name:  six }));
        this.items.add(new Item({id: 5.5, name:  five.five }));

    add_one: function(item) {
        var view = new ItemView({model: item});
        var visible = this.$(view.tagName+ . +view.className);
        var newel = view.render().el;
        var idx = this.items.indexOf(item);
        if (visible.length == idx) {
        else {

    add_all: function() {

app = new App();

Run it here: http://jsfiddle.net/dlamotte/L4j3b/


you can use a jQuery

$( li ).eq(1).after( <li>3</li> );

fiddle page: http://jsfiddle.net/Hrjks/

Better yet:

var myindex = 3;
var insertPoint = myindex -2;
$( li ).eq(insertPoint).after( <li>  + myindex + </li> );

fiddle for this:http://jsfiddle.net/Hrjks/1/


I had the same problem recently and I fixed with the following function.

function sortInsert(parent, element, fnc) {
    var stack = parent.children().filter(function() {
        return fnc($(this), element) > 0;
    if (stack.length == 0) {
    } else {

sortInsert($( ul ), $( <li>1</li> ), function(e, a) { 
    return parseInt(e.html()) - parseInt(a.html()); 
} );​

It is basically getting all the child of parent, then doing a filter. If you only need to compare its values you can do it simple by avoiding the callback but in my case it was needed as I was sorting by several criteria.

If you want to sort with a descending order just replace append by prepend, before by last and first for last and it should be working.

Feel free to play in my playground: http://jsfiddle.net/crodas/FMEkb/5/

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