English 中文(简体)
原标题:I have made a layout of tab panel with extjs designer
  • 时间:2011-03-25 16:38:23
  •  标签:
  • extjs

I have made a layout of tab panel with extjs designer but its not displaying anything if I am running it.


    Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL =  extjs/s.gif ;
        MyTabPanelUi = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, {
            activeTab: 0,
            width: 800,
            height: 500,
            title:  Ledger ,
            itemId:  ledger_tab ,
            initComponent: function() {
                this.items = [
                    xtype:  panel ,
                    title:  Ledger ,
                    autoScroll: true,
                    items: [
                        xtype:  editorgrid ,
                        title:  Ledger ,
                        store:  store ,
                        height: 150,
                        footer: true,
                        stripeRows: true,
                        header: true,
                        loadMask: true,
                        id:  leg_grid_up ,
                        columns: [
                            xtype:  gridcolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  string ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  textfield 
                            xtype:  numbercolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  number ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            align:  right ,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  numberfield 
                            xtype:  datecolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  date ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  datefield 
                            xtype:  booleancolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  bool ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  checkbox ,
                                boxLabel:  BoxLabel 
                        tbar: {
                            xtype:  toolbar ,
                            height: 50,
                            items: [
                                xtype:  container ,
                                layout:  column ,
                                width: 794,
                                height: 43,
                                items: [
                                    xtype:  spacer ,
                                    width: 588,
                                    height: 18
                                    xtype:  spacer ,
                                    width: 200,
                                    height: 18
                                    xtype:  datefield 
                            ]//toolbar items
                        xtype:  container ,
                        height: 70
                        xtype:  editorgrid ,
                        title:  Ledger ,
                        height: 150,
                        id:  leg_grid_down ,
                        columns: [
                            xtype:  gridcolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  string ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  textfield 
                            xtype:  numbercolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  number ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            align:  right ,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  numberfield 
                            xtype:  datecolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  date ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  datefield 
                            xtype:  booleancolumn ,
                            dataIndex:  bool ,
                            header:  Column ,
                            sortable: true,
                            width: 100,
                            editor: {
                                xtype:  checkbox ,
                                boxLabel:  BoxLabel 
                        tbar: {
                            xtype:  toolbar 
                        xtype:  container 
                    ]//ledger panel

你们需要把它放在一些超文本标签上。 您可使用“财产”使小组进入“机构”或“部分主角”(<代码>id)。

让我假定,你正计划让给机构主。 页: 1 Ext.getBody方法简单地将尸体交还。

MyTabPanelUi = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, {
            activeTab: 0,
            width: 800,
            height: 500,
            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),




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