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原标题:Google calendar: how to access it on android

如何最佳地使 go雨的历程在现在起步?


google-api-java-client - It s only an alpha. Authenticating, getting calendar list works, but updating calendar crashes in sample. +no documentation and bad sample codes anyway.

hackity hackvert engeneering - well (propable) not futuresu.

谷歌数据api——就我所知,它不支持/处理 and。

是否有我所忽略的替代办法? 是否有任何工作实例?


Have you looked at the Data API Developer s Guide: Java? You can also work directly with HTTP request/response, if things you want/need aren t supported in the Java API.


我认为这是一个众所周知的问题,但还不清楚。 审视所有问题和答案,但似乎有两种选择:

  • 在你的答复中使用你提到的 ha(并非完全建议),因为正如你所说的那样,没有保证同样的trick子将来会发挥作用。 为了使之在froyo下运行,已经做了一些更新,见here

  • http://code.google.com/p/google-api-java-client/“rel=“nofollow”http://code.google.com/p/google-api-java-client/。 参考网站项目说明

Written by Google, this library is a flexible, efficient, and powerful Java client library for accessing any HTTP-based API s on the web. It is the recommended library for accessing Google API s based on REST or JSON-RPC.


将这些(Calendar-2.1,client 1.0, 核心1.0) jar文档列入我们的申请。 这两份文件(guava-11.0.2和jsr305)可在数据夹中查阅。


Declare globally your calendar id and password

可以通过在facebook.com/rajivbawa22上使用这一地址来读书。 更高级的教学

    String userName = "example@gmail.com"; // put here your gmail id 

String userPassword = "12345-example ";// put here your gmail password 


页: 1

        CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("com.demo.calendar");

        myService.setUserCredentials(userName, userPassword);
        // Send the request and print the response
        URL feedUrl = new URL(
        // "https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/owncalendars/full");
        Log.e("", "Calendar1========");
        CalendarFeed resultFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl,
        Log.e("", "Calendar2*********" + resultFeed);
        for (int i = 0; i < resultFeed.getEntries().size(); i++) {

            Log.e("", "========" + resultFeed.getEntries().size());

            CalendarEntry entry = resultFeed.getEntries().get(i);

            Log.e("", "**********" + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());

    } catch (Exception e) {



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