English 中文(简体)
Nest铁 Objects形式和
原标题:Nested Rails Objects Forms and haml



     class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base` 
          belongs_to :user
          belongs_to :department
          belongs_to :invoice, :class_name => "Department"


之后,还试图提供假装。 我不熟悉黑帮派,似乎很少有涉及该案的文件。

= form_for :booking, :url => booking_path(@booking), :html => { :method => :put } do |form|
    - @booking.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
      %li= msg

      = label :booking, :status
      = form.text_field :status

      - form.fields_for :user do |user_form| 

      = user_form.label :user, :fullname
      = user_form.text_field :fullname

      = form.submit "Update this booking"



羞耻是tation。 铁路助手的实际使用根本不改变。 当你在2个空位上下一条线时,有一项理解是,你的冷却部分载于上,而前一条线没有受到约束。 因此:

  %li My List Item


<ul id= hello >
  <li>My List Item</li>

本条也适用于<代码>do。 如果你有一条铁路,那么你需要像你那样,把助手的 block块 in起来。 Haml将自动添加<代码>end。 你们应该改变你们的标志,以便看上去。

= form_for :booking, :url => booking_path(@booking), :html => { :method => :put } do |form|
    - @booking.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
      -# This is looking good so far... correct indent inside this `do` block
      %li= msg

      -# I don t feel like we are in the error messages block anymore, but you were still indented here.  I ve removed the indentation to indicate that we are no longer in that block.

    -# This will work fine, but is there a reason you didn t use `form.label :status` here?
    = label :booking, :status
    = form.text_field :status

    -# I ve changed this to use `= form.` because I believe the other version (-) is deprecated
    = form.fields_for :user do |user_form|
      -# You didn t have this indented correctly.  To be part of the do block you need to indent it appropriately.  Fixed.
      = user_form.label :fullname
      = user_form.text_field :fullname

    -# This is no longer part of the `fields_for` call, so I have removed the indentation again to indicate that this is part of the outer section.
    = form.submit "Update this booking"

希望这将有助于: Haml可能首先感到宽松,但我发现这大有助于发展速度,我更容易阅读和书写。 大约一个星期,但我上了,现在我永远不会回头:p



一、导 言

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :meetings


class Meeting < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :project


= form_for [@project,@meeting] do |f|

现有会议的编辑形式只需要@meetings 反对......

= form_for @meeting do |f|

您可以采取部分形式(假设你重新利用铁路公约,将_form.html.haml用于您的形式),并且只是 。 html。

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