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原标题:When to use methods and objects [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.

This might be a duplicate, but as I haven t seen anything hopefully it isn t. Basically, I ve never seen a good rule-of-thumb for when to split a chunk of code into separate methods and objects. Does anyone have any good rules they found work well?


I ve found this article (butunclebob.com, S.O.L.I.D. principles for OOP) to be enlightening for designing boundaries and hierarchies of classes. Although it is mostly common sense, putting a name to the goals you want to achieve helps until you gain a feel for "good"ness of a design through experience.



That s not an excuse to use a really small font or use a really big monitor

Go and read;


Disclaimer: I have nothing against OOP, quite the opposite. The following is just a personal opinion

In general I agree with the other answers and I would also try to break up code into methods whenever I "feel" it necessary.

然而,如果你想说,该组织是一种方法,是一种工具。 在采用OOP技术时,仍然有一些其他办法更适合的情况。


echo "Hello World!"

might be faster/better/easier than

class HelloWorld {

    private String text = null;

    public HelloWorld() {
        this.text = "Hello World";

    public void print() {
        echo this.text;


(Compare the exaggerated example hello world in patterns)



A: 是。

从业务处的角度来看,“all代码”应作为物体和方法书写。 OOP的货币为objects。 现在,如果你有一大阶层,并想知道如何打破这一阶层,因为它违反了单一的责任,那么umb的统治就是要概括不同的。

班级的设计应具有一个首要目的。 页: 1 简明扼要。

在决定方法时,你应铭记两点。 重点为这一类别建立明确的接口,并制定可测试的方法。

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