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原标题:Programming a simple compiler




  • A linked list is extremely inefficient for large files (source files around 80MB take about 1.3GB of ram)
  • I could modify my lexer to give the next token every time it is called (idea taken from the Dragon Book), but I don t know what I will do if somewhere in the process I have to go back and read a previous token.



Implementing a nextToken() method in the lexical analyser is the standard way. This method is called by the parser (or syntax analyser) until the entire input has been consumed.

but I dont what I will do if somewhere in the process i have to go back and read a previous token

This is not usually the case. But, what the parser may need to do is push back a token (or a number of tokens depending on the lookahead of the parser) which has already been seen. In this case the lexer provides a pushBack(Token) which ensures that the next call to nextToken() will return the supplied token, rather than the next token appearing in the input.


It sounds like your matches are too greedy.

You might look into Backtracking

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