这对口号的 has弄是否好? 我并不要求将这一点与像加密这样的东西相比较。
这对口号的 has弄是否好? 我并不要求将这一点与像加密这样的东西相比较。
每一用户口号使用不同的盐类的原因是,攻击者可以拿到所有破旧的口号清单,看看看其中任何一种口号是否与“密码”或“12345”等容易混淆。 如果你将密码本身用作盐类,那么攻击者可计算<代码>md5("12345'md5(“12345”),并看其是否与任何条目相符。
根据我的理解,在密码表中可使用四级洗 has器:
详情请见Coding Horror员额,“。
Although it seems quite enough to me, it will be in danger in case if someone precomputed a rainbow table based on the same algorithm (what is quite possible). So, I d rather use an email for the salt which seems pretty secure yet usable. Paranoids may add some constant site-wide salt.
Every freakin day I see questions regarding salt or hash.
And not a single one regarding password complexity. While
为什么? 让我向你表示。
极好的盐加弱的密码 = 秒钟()。
It is always assumed that salt is known to attacker. So, by using some dictionary of most used passwords and adding [whatever extra-random-super-long] salt to them, a weak password can be discovered in seconds. Same goes for brute-forcing short passwords.
just sensible Salt + Robword = unbreakable
某些独特的盐类使 pre食表变得无用和好的口号,使dict和二恶英的攻击毫无结果。
计量吸入器5本身并不可靠,因为它部分被打碎(col),太小。 如果有人不想在加密、加密或PBK2DF上使用适当的密码衍生功能,那么你至少应当使用SHA-256新设计(计划一旦完成,将计划转移到SHA-3,这样可以肯定地储存你用来将密码与结果混在一起的计划,那么这两种办法就能够共存,因为当人们改变口号时,你可以使用新的散装程序。
如果你打算以任何身份出售MD5方案,就可以成为大多数政府销售的显示器(例如,美国计算法中所用的FPS 140-2必须获得批准,而且许多其他国家也满足同样的要求)。
随机密码盐之所以被推荐用于洗衣口,是因为知道密码的攻击者可以将其与以下网址进行比较:”rel=“nofollow”>rainbow table, 事先计算出的口 ha。
If you re using password as salt, attacker can pre-calculate hashes of $word.md5($word) first from their dictionary
审议本表<编码> (带有想象力的斜体,仅供参考)
word | hash
foo | 54a64
bar | 3dhc5
baz | efef3
Testing these values against your table, could be as simple as:
SELECT h.word
FROM hashtable h, yourtable y
WHERE y.password = MD5( CONCAT( h.word, h.hash ) );
However, if you did NOT hash the password, before concatenating it again with the password and hashing it once more, it would be more difficult to attack it with a pre-computed dictionary. Because then the password would be for instance md5( testtest )
which makes the precomputed table worthless, if the precomputed table has only taken into account single instances of the word.
如果你不使用口号作为盐类,而是使用另一种随机体格作为盐类,那么你就很容易看到它变得更加困难。 而且,当你为每个口号创造独特的盐类时,它变得更加困难。 当然,如果你每口打上独一无二的盐类,你就必须在单列一栏中节省食盐量,同时在数据库中添加密码。
md5( uniquesalt . password );
(或更高)洗 algorithm算法。
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