English 中文(简体)
原标题:Returning only the vertices in the actual shortest path


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我想要做的是:。



www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm The I ve got:


I m having a hard time distinguishing a vertex in the shortest path from one that is simply run through the algorithm, but not in the shortest path.

For example: Find the shortest path between 0 and 4. 0 connects to 1,2 and 3. 1 connects to 4. My path turns out to be [0,1,2,3,4] instead of [0,1,4].

我没有能够找到任何线索来提出同样的问题,也没有看到任何穿过包括这个问题的BAFS的行走,因此我不敢确定我是否这样做。 这比现在更加困难?

<<>Edit: Code for those who may be interest (not 当然,如果我避免圈子的话)

Edit 2: Changed the way I store my path to a Stack.

public String findPath(int v, int w) {
    Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    boolean[] visited = new boolean[g.numVertices()];

    Stack<Integer> path = new Stack<Integer>();
    while(q.peek() != null) {
    return path.toString();

private void runBFS(int v, int w, boolean[] visited, Queue<Integer> q, Stack<Integer> path) {
    if(visited[v]) {
    else if(v == w) {
    else {
        visited[v] = true;
        VertexIterator vi = g.adjacentVertices(v);
        while(vi.hasNext()) {


v = 来源的垂直

w = 目标垂直

g = 图表

vi = 一种正常的变压器,在高射线邻国上空扩散

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 感谢阅读!


You will have to have specific path field for each vertex. That way you can keep track of the paths you ve chosen, hence the short path found. I will use an String array, just like you used the Boolean array for storing visited vertices.

public String findPath(int v, int w) {
    Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    boolean[] visited = new boolean[g.numVertices()];
    String[] pathTo = new String[g.numVertices()];

    pathTo[v] = v+" ";
    while(q.peek() != null) {
    return pathTo[w];

private boolean runBFS(int v, int w, boolean[] visited, Queue<Integer> q, String[] pathTo) {
    if(visited[v]) {
    else if(v == w)
        return true; 
    else {
        visited[v] = true;
        VertexIterator vi = g.adjacentVertices(v);
        while(vi.hasNext()) {
            int nextVertex = vi.next();
            pathTo[nextVertex] = pathTo[v] + nextVertex + " ";
    return false;

我们的助理们建议的另一项契约(空间-噪音)解决办法是,每个仓库只能存放从中减去。 可以通过将访问清单改成分类阵列(<>编码>访问)。


step 2: mark the first node as visited by itself visited[v] = v;


移至-> v_next:

if(visited[v_next] == -1)
  visited[v_next] = v;
// else skip it, it s already been visited

这样,如果可以接触到,就能够储存它从那代之来的空洞,你可以回过来,最后按相反的顺序打印。 (采用打字或复读印刷方法进行)


当你在BFS的电离层中存储外溢时,你还需要储存已到达的道路的复印件,以便一旦电离层出水时即可。 既然现在,你的法典没有把任何类型的道路信息保存在被 que弄的vert子上,它只保留了它访问的节点清单。


You need to push your current node onto a stack, and only print the whole stack out once you reach the destination.

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