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原标题:How to add a new property to an object?


a = User.find(7)


#<User id: 7, name: "Ewah", email: "stugnuz@yahoo.it", password_salt: "t4vPG0hgQVQMyIFeri6", persistence_token: "98f0cdfcb9462f3f74b1ae6ef48f0d72a015c6e04adda95fcd0...", login_count: 387, failed_login_count: 0, current_login_at: "2011-03-15 08:03:54", last_login_at: "2011-03-14 23:17:45", current_login_ip: "", last_login_ip: "", score: 2726, level: 7, created_at: "2010-10-13 22:33:21", updated_at: "2011-03-28 13:28:40", admin: true, avatar_file_name: "11.jpg", avatar_file_size: 78456, avatar_content_type: "image/jpeg", perishable_token: "PXTFtiMBxcoH3Iv7TmRh", score_this_week: 0, get_news: true, get_notices: true, bio: "Ho perso per strada Minnie anche in onore di Ken Sa...", invitation_id: nil, can_approve: false, no_score: false, facebook_uid: "1052260327", facebook_session_key: "", crypted_password: "05e5080268598607f5d1ece82db1b4d4c6ae12deeb880896ad2...", oauth2_token: "141832835841718|545eae41205d7a2ccb37d7c0-1052260327...", votes_count: 208, post_to_facebook: true, tutorial_step: 2, private: false, posts_count: 31, votes_remaining: 105, votes_this_week: 0, comments_count: 367, ignore: false>


a.votes_cast = 5

But when I try to do this 我收到了:

NoMethodError: undefined method `votes_casted=  for #<User:0x102c997f0>

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Augusto



如果在用户模式中只是一个临时领域,那么你就可以简单地在<代码>>>>>><<<>} 用户/编码>上添加一个入口。

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessor :votes_cast


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