How do I convert CString into const char *? I have tried everything found on the internet but I still cant convert them.
How do I convert CString into const char *? I have tried everything found on the internet but I still cant convert them.
直接 con果
CString temp;
temp = "Wow";
const char * foo = (LPCSTR) temp;
printf("%s", foo);
页: 1
CString temp;
temp = "Wow";
const char * foo = temp.GetString();
printf("%s", foo);
简短回答: 利用CT2CA
XI (见ATL and MFC String Transformation Macros)。 不论项目性质如何,这项工作都将进行。
preprocessor symbol defined (i.e., if TCHAR
is wchar_t
), use the CT2CA
or CW2CA
is char
), CString already has an operator to convert to char const*
implicitly (see CSimpleStringT::operator PCXSTR
).如果您的申请不是统法协会,你可以简单地打字到const char*
。 如需要<代码>char*,可加以修改。
如果你的申请是统法协会,而且你真的希望有<条码>,*条码>,那么你就需要改写。 (可使用<代码>MultiByte ToWideChar()等功能。)
我知道时间已晚,但我无法使用标注的塔网解决办法。 我在互联网上搜寻所有人,对我没有任何工作。 我通过它来寻求解决办法:
char * convertToCharArr(CString str) {
int x = 0;
string s = "";
while (x < str.GetLength()) {
char c = str.GetAt(x++);
s += c;
char * output = (char *)calloc(str.GetLength() + 1, sizeof(char));
memcpy(output, s.c_str(), str.GetLength() + 1);
return output;
First : define char *inputString; in your_file.h
Second : define in yourFile.cpp : CString MyString;
MyString = "Place here whatever you want";
inputString = new char[MyString.GetLength()];
inputString = MyString.GetBuffer(MyString.GetLength());
最后两句将CString变量转换成一个果园;但经过仔细研究,CString你可以拥有数百万个果园,但只有果园。 你们必须界定你char* 的规模。
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