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PHP: 突然终止一项请求的影响*
原标题:PHP: Implications of a abrupt termination of a request by a *fatal* error


我的申请记录显示,档案中有许多痕量记录。 (我不知道如何使用我的框架记录。) 能够核实这一点。


(Yes,我试图冲积标志,这也有助于。) 它像以致命错误终止申请一样,在某种程度上取消了对先前申请点所处理档案的书面材料。





The below allowed me to have my logs even on fatal errors:

function correctShutdown()

register_shutdown_function( correctShutdown );

“Fatal Error is... well...Fatal: 它停止执行该书,而执行书不会做任何本应做的事情。

In your case, I suppose your logging framework logs into memory -- and that this in-memory log is only written to the file when the processing of the request is done.
Some logging mecanisms do that, to avoid writing to a file several times, at different points during the generation of the response (which means keeping the file locked, to avoid concurrency problems ; or opening-closing-reopening-reclosing-... it)



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