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desktop方案的传统Qt或Qt快速启动方案? [闭门]
原标题: Traditional Qt or Qt Quick for a desktop program? [closed]

a. 我的桌面上用qml打上了眼光,我亲自发现:

  • its easier to create animations than in traditional qt/c++/pyqt (i loved the animations :)
  • I haven t looked through all examples but the code size of qml apps looks smaller than equivalent apps in c++

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 问题一经发现

  • has poor qml design support- at the moment custom elements dont show up in qml designer.This is a big pain coz ideally i should get a designer to create my ui and i concentrate on the code. Their qml designer still needs some work
  • You are expected to learn javascript since its the "recommended" way of scripting in qt. Javascript is NOT easy as you may expect eg learning python took me a few hours but javascript looks superficially similar to c but some of its concepts are different. Also i wonder if i can protect intellectual property in an app written i just javascript and qml.(correct me if am wrong)
  • native widgets are not available in qml eg it just offers rectangles, etc which you combine to form your own widgets.

这并没有阻止我玩.,而且随着时间的成熟,我将采取等待和态度。 目前,我的部分工作使用方圆,而后方则使用方厘米。


你犯了一个错误: QtQuick不能仅仅在塔语版本中提供。 自4.7年以来,这一直是正式的Qt释放的一部分(尽管每个小版本都大大改善了QtQu提供的特征)。

Although the "normal" Qt UI (with QWidgets and layouts and all) is older, this doesn t necessarily mean Qt Quick is immature. It is part of the release, after all.

您的言行中未能指出的一件事是:“正常”的质子是预先设计的(大部分是基本的),QtQuick UI是依靠对QML和CSS/RUS的实时解释。 这主要不会对桌面系统的应用速度产生影响,但如果你由于你使国际会计制度变得过于虚弱而陷入履约瓶颈状态,我就不警告你。 虽然这种瓶颈可能意味着你从一开始就要走开放的利比里亚。

QtQuick为建造冷却机提供了方便的途径(该机的销售点为任何环节),使你能够比旧的 st子更容易地使用冷却机。

If you are using Python then you probably are not concerned about performance. Traditional Qt allows for fancy looks, too via QSS. What Qt Quick gives is a way to easily build a UI (even without tooling support that is being introduced in 4.8) and use scripting to make it work.

你们也可以主要通过QSS和衍生现有植被,用权宜之计。 多数 关键的例子并不侧重于这一问题,但这并不意味着可以做。 这还可能提高总体业绩,特别是在C++编码的情况下。

我将使用传统做法。 问题在于我更熟悉这个问题。 但这是主观的,因此我认为你的问题将会结束。

我在传统的Qt UI系统方面没有这样的经验。 但我可以向您介绍一下QtQuick的经验:

  • UI using QML is more simple.
  • QML enables you to better developing using MVC pattern. It makes View separated from Model. You can load different version of the UI in runtime.
  • QML enables developing advanced UI.
  • It is very performant now (using QSceneGraph technology). It is implemented on multiple UI threads! I am not sure that you can make more performant UI using C++ anymore!
  • UI designers can develop UI simpler than HTML+CSS+Javascript!
  • You can develop your custom UI element by C++ using specific classes.
  • QML is based on OpenGL and in free version of Qt you need to notice that.
  • QML has a specific debugger and profiler. Debugging in UI is so easy.

If you want to develop your app using a standard patten like MVC, QML may be more suitable.
You need to be careful about performance notes.

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