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原标题:Getting character offset inside nested html tags

I ve got HTML Code similar to this one:

    words words words
    words <span> words mystery words</span>
    words words words

关于pre的标签,我想得到“神秘”的特性的抵消。 我可以拿到“span> tag”使用“Node”财产,但我无法找到一个途径来获得“<>pre标签”。


http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html 为此:

function getCharOffsetRelativeTo(container, node, offset) {
    var range = document.createRange();
    range.setEnd(node, offset);
    return range.toString().length;


var sel = window.getSelection();
var pre = document.getElementById("your_pre_id");
var offset = getCharOffsetRelativeTo(pre, sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);


  • This will work in all major browsers except IE <= 8. If you need a solution for IE then I can provide it.
  • This function will count characters inside <script> or <style> tags and invisible elements (hidden by CSS display: none, for example).

您可以写出一种方法,以补偿性办法计算它。 这种方法可确定被遗忘的特性,然后将母子的分数跨出,然后从小到一开始......再到所期望的标签(之前)找到,或者直到你从tag子中排出为止。

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