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A. 与申请连接有关的问题
原标题:Problem with socket connection request
  • 时间:2011-03-31 14:46:01
  •  标签:
  • sockets
  • vb6



When ConnectionRequest event raised,the connection is accepted and the client will be notified through CONNECTED (defined in socket object) event. Everything is working upto this point but ConnectionRequest is again being raised WITH SAME RequestId after the previous connection is accepted through Accept method.

When i am trying to close the socket and reaceept the request,a run time error is generated saying "Run-time Error 10038 ,the Descriptor Is Not A Socket" !

是否有任何人面临这一问题? 请建议进行一些工作。

Thanks in advance.

PS:I am using TCP Protocol.


I m pretty sure the requestID value is a socket descriptor for the socket in listening state, so it makes sense that it doesn t vary when you have just one listener (which is most common).

这些都是程序性的,因此,你可以在有意义的进程之间传递。 要做到这一点,你可能必须打电话。 WSADuplicateSocket( function. 我从未尝试过这一点,因此,你可能会尝试试验——但我认为,当“联系”请求书手在不接受温斯克控制请求的情况下离开时,你会拒绝。



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