English 中文(简体)
原标题:Can anyone please tell me what does this funciton do?
function w_cookie_wid(wid02) {
   if ( ! document.cookie) {
      document.cookie = "w_wid=1;path=/";
      if ( ! document.cookie) {
         var w_date = new Date();
         return (w_date.getSeconds() % 20 + 1);
      else return 2 - 1;
   var prefix = wid02 + "=";
   var begin = document.cookie.indexOf("; " + prefix);
   if (begin == - 1) {
      begin = document.cookie.indexOf(prefix);
      if (begin != 0) {
         return null;
   else {
      begin += 2;
   var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
   if (end == - 1) {
      end = document.cookie.length;
   return unescape(document.cookie.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));

这项职能的目的是设法从网页库中检索一个厨师的价值。 如无 co,则该功能将试图确定<代码>w_wid=1;path=/和返回代码>1的违约值。 如果厨师得不到支持,1至20年的半衰期(按时间计算)价值将退还,不会 set。 如果安装了厨师,该功能将试图收回与名称参数相应的价值(wid02)。 如该名称没有找到,该功能将退回<代码>null,否则该数值将退还。


function w_cookie_wid(wid02) {
    //if there are no cookies for this page
    if (!document.cookie) {
        //set a cookie value associated with the root
        document.cookie = "w_wid=1;path=/";
        //if there still are no cookies (not supported/allowed)
        if (!document.cookie) {
            //make a new date representing the current time
            var w_date = new Date();
            //return a number between 1 and 20
            //based on the current time
            return (w_date.getSeconds() % 20 + 1);
        //return 1 if the cookie set was successful
        else return 2 - 1;
    //create the name portion for a cookie value
    var prefix = wid02 + "=";
    //check to see if that value is already set,
    //but not as the first item
    var begin = document.cookie.indexOf("; " + prefix);
    //if it isn t
    if (begin == -1) {
        //check to see if it is set as the first item
        begin = document.cookie.indexOf(prefix);
        //if it isn t set (at all)
        if (begin != 0) {
            //return a null value
            return null;
    //if it IS set somewhere
    else {
        //set begin to be the index of beginning
        //of the name/value pair
        begin += 2;
    //get the index of the first semi-colon after
    //the beginning of the name/value
    var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
    //if there isn t one
    if (end == -1) {
        //set the end index as the length of the cookie(s)
        end = document.cookie.length;
    //return the cookie name/value pair string
    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));




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