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GWT 1. 具有智能GWT的设计者: 甲型六氯环己烷(XML UIBinder 模式)
原标题:GWT Designer with smartGWT : No palettes for smart widgets (XML UIBinder mode)

I added and configured SmartGWT in my project into eclipse. I have no news SmartGWT palettes that appear in the GWT developer. Yet, according to the official documentation of google, widgets palettes should appear automatically.

http://code.google.com/intl/fr/webtoolkit/tools/gwt Designer/features/gwt/smartgwt.html”rel=“nofollow”http://code.google.com/intl/fr/webtoolkit/tools/gwt Designer/features/gwt/smartgwt.html>

Note : In fact, the SmartGWT palettes appear if I use GWT Designer with java file. But I would like use with XML file, is it possible ? GWT Designer support SmartGWT with XML ui:UiBinder ?

FCCC/SBI/2008/INF.1。 2.2 WT Designer 2.2.1 (I test beta and not beta) 2.4 /eclipse Helios /maven 3

增 编


我听说,在UiBinder模式中,棕榈树不会出现,不肯定为什么。 我个人想对我刚才向该单元投放的不同 Java档案发表意见。 不幸的是,我使用Indigo,看来因诺戈支持的情况还没有。 周末将不得不下载和安装太阳光。

见http://code.google.com/p/gxt-uibinder/issues/detail?id=4'rel=“nofollow”。 当我与GXT存在同样的问题时,UiBinder似乎没有真正的标准,因此,每个供应商都自己做出决定。

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