English 中文(简体)
原标题:position: fixed not referring parent relative left position


rel=“nofollow” http://www.elankeeran.com/test/RHSpanel.htm

但是,在缩小地区健康调查小组的规模时,我没有说明为何立场没有把父母的相对地位转移。 它指左派。

after changing below css its working fine

#floating-box{position: absolute;width:100%;width:960px; margin:0 auto;}

if anyone known better solution please let me know.


Since you asked why this is happening, see the definition of position : fixed in the CSS spec, notably that

for a fixed positioned box, the containing block is established by the viewport.

Or, as another site puts it,

the parent element is always the browser window
var wHeight = $(window).height();
$( .right-panel ).css("height",wHeight-80);
if ( scrollY > bodyY && isfixed ) {
position:  fixed ,
    // left: wLeft,
top: 10

remove the !isfixed and make it isfixed

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