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Sencha Touch - Lag at Screen transition
原标题:Sencha Touch - Lag at screen transition

Allright, I m test the Sencha Touch framework Packed in Telephonegap and prepared to a HTC Hopee with 2.2. 申请的目的只是要熟悉《框架》,并且(以)能力。

I m 采用MVC模式。 该申请包括使用代理人从json档案中装入数据储存的物品清单。 其中一个项目被点击时,显示一个详细页。

app.views.viewport.setActiveItem(app.views.placesList, options.animation);

但是,在过渡之前,有一些滞后之处,一个白色屏幕显示时间很小。 我已表明这一点:

The code below shows the structure and functionality of my application:


app.models.Place = Ext.regModel("app.models.Place", {
    fields: [
        {name: "name", type: "string"},
        {name: "location", type: "string"}
app.stores.places = new Ext.data.Store({
    model: "app.models.Place",
    proxy: {
        type:  ajax ,
        url :  js/app/data/products.json ,
        reader: {
            type:  json ,
            root:  products 


app.views.PlacesList = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
    fullscreen: true,
    scroll:  vertical ,
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype:  toolbar ,
        title:  PlacesList 
    items: [{
        xtype:  list ,
        store: app.stores.places,
        itemTpl:  {name} ,     
        onItemDisclosure: function () {
                controller: app.controllers.places,
                action:  show 
    initComponent: function() {
        app.views.PlacesList.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);


app.controllers.places = new Ext.Controller({
    show: function(options) {
        app.views.viewport.setActiveItem(app.views.placeDetail, options.animation);
    back: function(options) {
        app.views.viewport.setActiveItem(app.views.placesList, options.animation);

我很想知道,经验丰富的滞后是否只是Sencha Touch的,还是来自该守则。




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