。 我也知道有以下文字:DH
。 我知道,所有名字都必须有一个公约,但是什么?
The C and the D are numbers/types and H for high and L for low parts of the higher register. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86
- AX/EAX/RAX: accumulator
- BX/EBX/RBX: base
- CX/ECX/RCX: counter
- DX/EDX/RDX: data/general
* EAX - Accumulator Register
* EBX - Base Register
* ECX - Counter Register
* EDX - Data Register
* ESI - Source Index
* EDI - Destination Index
* EBP - Base Pointer
* ESP - Stack Pointer
它是历史。 ×86来自8086年,来自80808年,来自4004年。 登记注册号为16比方,注册号为BX,注册号为80386,注册号为32比方。
加上:从一开始,摩托罗拉·68K拥有32个轨道登记册,因此,在头几个十年中,方案更容易进行。 我在为商业原因而不是技术性原因选择英特尔的项目上工作。
老年加工商拥有名为A、B等的蓄积器(按字母顺序排列)。 在开发16个和32个借方时,工程师增加了X(续)。 因此,它涉及历史,因为用B语言(Bell labs)形成了C语。
- EAX: "Extended Accumulator" - used for arithmetic and logical operations, as well as for storing return values from functions.
- EBX: "Extended Base" - often used as a pointer to data in the data segment of memory.
- ECX: "Extended Counter" - often used for loop and string operations, as well as for storing function arguments.
- EDX: "Extended Data" - often used for I/O operations and for storing function arguments.
- ESI: "Extended Source Index" - often used as a pointer to a source operand in string operations.
- EDI: "Extended Destination Index" - often used as a pointer to a destination operand in string operations.
- EBP: "Extended Base Pointer" - often used as a pointer to the base of the current stack frame.
- ESP: "Extended Stack Pointer" - often used as a pointer to the top of the current stack frame.
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