English 中文(简体)
原标题:Write contents of an InputStream (blocking) to a non-blocking socket

I m 节目制作简便的Java NIO服务器,头痛很少: 页: 1 InputStreams i need to bens. 我只读了所有文字,这样就产生了一个问题:如果将暂停使用InputStream,all/i>其他联系写作。

我可以使用<条码>InputStream. Available()来检查是否有任何新数据,但如果我已经到达上游结束,那么我似乎知道:mustread()。



  • Have a separate thread for each InputStream, however that s just silly since I m using non-blocking I/O in the first place. I could also have a thread pool doing this but then again that limits the amount of simultaneous clients I can pipe the InputStream to.
  • Have a separate thread reading these streams with a timeout (using another thread to interrupt if reading has lasted longer than a certain amount of time), but that ll most certainly choke the data flow should I have many open InputStreams not delivering data.

Of course, if there was a magic InputStream.isEof() or isClosed() then this wouldn t be any problem at all : (


....Have a separate thread for each InputStream, but that s only silly since I m using non-blocking I/O in first place.......

它根本不sil。 首先,你需要检查你是否能够从你的InputStream执行工作中找到一个可选择的通道。 如果你是幸运的,那么你就只能向选择者登记,并且照常办理。 但是,机会是,你的投入机构可能有一个渠道,不是独一无二的渠道,在这种情况下,“为每个投入机构单独铺垫”是显而易见的事情,可能也是正确的事情。

说明SO在上也讨论了类似的问题。 无法从投入流中选取一个可选择的通道。 不幸的是,你 st。


I have a single thread performing all writes


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