I have a COM+ application (mostly vb6 based), that I need running on a 64-bit system. It s supposed to communicate with an oracle database (10g, 32bit). Everything works fine when I disable XA, but when I have it enabled I receive the following error;
The XA Transaction Manager called the "GetXaSwitch" function in the XA resource manager DLL. The call to the "GetXaSwitch" function failed: File=d: tcomcomplusdtcdtcxatmsrcxarmconn.cpp Line=2503.
My oracle client is 10g 32-bit.
I don t know a lot about 32bit/64bit compatibility, but I do see that my application is calling the MSDTC dlls located in the WOW64 part of the registry ([hklm/software/wow6432node/microsoft/msdtc/mtxoci]), while it access the XADLL located in the native 64-bit part of the registry ([hklm/software/microsoft/msdtc/xadll])
So I tried to change the references in there to be 32-bit dlls, but then they would not load.
Does anyone have any ideas at all on how to fix this error?