English 中文(简体)
原标题:set methods in Java
  • 时间:2011-04-06 13:27:07
  •  标签:
  • java
  • set

Could anubody explain how to use set methods? Problem:

class Sonum {
   private int prior;
   public Sonum(int prior) {
      this.prior = prior;
   public int getPrior() {
      return prior;
   public void setPrior(int prior) {
      this.prior = prior;

class Tel {
   // Please explain how can I set the value for prior? (for example 2)

Well, first you need an instance of Sonum on which you want to set the prior value. For example:

class Test {
  public void foo() {
    Sonum sonum = new Sonum(5);
    // Use it with a prior of 5
    // ...
    // Now use it with a prior of 10
Sonum mySonum = new Sonum(1); //prior is currently 1
mySonum.setPrior(2); //now prior is 2

“更好的方法”是mag。 它们只是常规方法。 你们需要这个类别,然后,你可以把方法称作这一类。 同任何其他 Java物体一样。


The biggest advantage of get set methods is the control ability ! We can for example control a minimum age when we want to set an age, and many other simple examples.


setAge (int age)
    if ( age < 0 )
        System.out.println ( "Wrong age !!" );


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