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320 当我使用吗? 反对: 项目
原标题:three20 How do I show a Disclosure Button when i use didSelectObject on TTTableSubtitleItem

我利用TTTable Sub entitledItem把囚室打上桌子。 然后,我使用“SelectObject to sent an Object to the details view controller”。 为了防止电文两次发送,我必须把TTTable SubtitleItem URL确定为零。 由于这种披露,布顿不会显示出来?

    [TTTableSubtitleItem itemWithText:[chunks objectAtIndex: 0] 
                                 subtitle:@"Link To Website"
                             defaultImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"map.png"]

I had this same issue and the way I got around it was by subclassing the item cell (so for you it d be TTTableSubtitleItemCell and overriding the setObject method to manually include the disclosure button as follow:

- (void)setObject:(id)object {
if (_item != object) {
  [_item release];
  _item = [object retain];

  [super setObject:object];

  self.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;

我也利用这一方法,允许自己选择的风格仍然是蓝色的,尽管我当时没有按预期的方式处理URL。 这样做还只是增加

  self.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue;


Note you ll also need to add the mapping between the items you care about and this new custom item cell in your data source. This requires overriding one method in a custom data source. If you want all of your TTTableSubtitleItems to have the disclosure button, you can map TTTableSubtitleItem to your new custom item cell. Otherwise just create a custom subclass of TTTableSubtitleItem as well that doesn t make any changes to it. Assuming your two new subclasses are CustomItem and CustomItemCell your data source would override the following method to look like so:

- (Class)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellClassForObject:(id)object {
  if ([object isKindOfClass:[CustomItem class]]) {
    return [CustomItemCell class];
  } else {
    return [super tableView:tableView cellClassForObject:object];

Hope this helps



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