I have a rather simple worflow hosted on AppFabric. I call it through a WCF endpoint using netTcpBinding, and it calls 2 WCF methods, also via netTcpBinding, hosted on the same server also on AppFabric. I can load test both of the WCF methods being called by the workflow simultaneously without any problems. However, when I start Load Testing the workflow, after a few seconds, when I m around 10 simultaneous users, the WorkFlows locks up completely, and I m unable to find out why. All clients starts raising Open Connection timeouts.
The problem is not locking on the SQL Server database, because I monitor it, and it s all go. All tables involved are lock free. I think the problem might be on MSTSC, since I start a transaction scope on the workflow, but how could I detect the problem there? The dashboard on dcomcnfg really doesn t help at all.
How can I find out where s the problem? What could be the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
<behavior name="">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
<serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCalls="64" maxConcurrentSessions="400" maxConcurrentInstances="464" />
And looking at AppFabric s configuration interface, I can confirm these values for the IIS application that hosts the workflow Tks