English 中文(简体)
页: 1 怀孕箱内没有工作的 Qu子—— in脏问题
原标题:jQuery inside fancy box ajax not working -- init problems


$( tr.record ).click(function() {
    var record_id = $(this).attr("id");
    var link =  http://  + window.location.hostname +  /expenses/expenses_edit/  + record_id;
         transitionIn :  fade ,
         transitionOut :  none ,
         type :  ajax ,
         href : link,
         onClosed : function() {
    $.bind("submit", function() {


            type: "POST",
            cache: false,
            data: $(this).serializeArray(),
            success: function(data) {
        return false;



<textarea name="exp_det" cols="90" rows="12" id="exp_det"></textarea>
<span id="charLeft">150</span> characters left


The parent page loads this via header:

$( #ext_det ).keyup(function() {
    var len = this.value.length;
    if (len >= 150) {
        this.value = this.value.substring(0, 150);
    $( #charLeft ).text(150 - len);

因此,问题是,这一char(和其他 j,如鉴定,日期pi)在ancy子内没有工作。 如果该网页没有轮胎箱装满,或者该网页通过轮胎箱装上。



  • using diferent IDs for the ajax page
  • placing the char count script at the end of ajax page (it didn t even show
  • on Firebug)
  • placing the char count script as a function within success
  • other crazy iterations

The problem seems related to re-init ing the jQuery functions after the ajax page has loaded, since these elements were not there when the parent page was loaded.

Any suggestions?


You need to either rebind your event handlers once you have loaded content inside the fancy box or use the JQuery.live event binding mechansim. Your problem is occuring because your event handlers are trying to bind to DOM nodes that are not yet loaded, so what you need to do is either use the JQuery.live, which will bind events to elements even when they have not yet loaded OR use a callback function when your content of your fancybox has loaded to bind the event handlers.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $( #ext_det ).live( keyup , function() {

        // code to execute on keyup for element with id #ext_det    



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