English 中文(简体)
原标题:Correct use of wait()/notify() for a Tetris game

I’m writing a Tetris-like game for Android and I’m trying to implement the “real-time part”. I have something which seems to work, but I want to be sure that my implementation is correct.


  • 这些形状按固定速度定下(例如,我想要等到nm>milliseconds,每次打下形状的y)。

  • 参与者可以随时放弃体质,然后必须立即中断等待n<>n><>>m>milliseconds的时间,并只为下一个形状重新开始。

  • 当形状下降或形形形形形形形形形形形色时,游戏在形成另一种形态之前等待m><>m>m>m> milliseconds

  • 该系统必须能够随时停下read。


class TetrisThread extends Thread {
    private int n = 3000; // for testing purposes, in the real game n will be smaller ;)
    private int m = 1000;

    public void run() {
            try {
                synchronized (this) {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // This method is the one which will drop the shape, it is called from another thread
    synchronized public boolean onTouch([…]) {
        // The shape has to be dropped

    private void doPhysics() throws InterruptedException {
        // The shape cannot go down or has been dropped


But wait() requires to be used in a synchronized(this) block (why?) and I cannot either synchronize the whole run() method, because then if I try to drop three times the shape during the sleep(m) call, then the three next shapes will be automatically dropped (which is not what I want).

Does this seem correct to you?
Do you have any correction, advice, or remark?

Thank you :-)


The wait( methods is used to make the present operation thread to等该物体援引wait( 援引notification( (in this case). The synchized(this) part required to ensure only one thread at that time accessthis/code>.



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