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Find:File preprocess
原标题:Find::File preprocess
  • 时间:2011-04-08 19:16:58
  •  标签:
  • perl

I m trying to specify a directory, and recursively find every file in the sub-directories. After find chdir s into a directory, I want to do some processing before find reads the files. Here is a simplified snippet that demonstrates the problem. It doesn t recurse into the subdirectories, but it looks like it should. I can verify that the sub-dirs and files exist because if I call find without the preprocess key then I get the listing. I haven t been using Perl for that long so I m kind of stumped.

  wanted => &wanted,
  preprocess => &preprocess
}, "/home/nelson/invoices/");

# function definitions

sub wanted {
  print "Calling wanted...
  print "	" . $File::Find::name . "

sub preprocess{
  print "Calling preprocess...
  print "	" . $File::Find::dir . "


Calling wanted...
Calling preprocess...
Calling wanted...

预计preprocess功能将退回一份(可能修改的)项目清单作进一步审查。 举例来说,请在<代码>前<>/代码>末尾添加@_;,以退回未经修改的论点。 您可以做一些事情,例如<代码>grep{_美元-!~ /pattern/}@_,以过滤不想要的物品,等等。



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