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原标题:Problem with $_GET and fopen
  • 时间:2011-04-13 13:37:47
  •  标签:
  • php

我对<代码>_GET方法有问题。 我有这样一部《任择议定书》:

$fopen("files/" . $_GET[ file ], "r");

当一字书写文件时,我就自称。 情况良好,但当我从“GET”方法获得档案名称时,我发现,像这条道路一样有些错误是错误的。

  1. What s wrong with it ?
  2. Is there any special encoding for $_GET method to decode it to the right string style. I tried urldecode but it wasn t make any change.

Don t EVER在未经验证的情况下使用用户投入,特别是在主机上不开放档案! 我怎么说都不为过。 如果有人进入GET,在你的申请中说明其价值。


Number one rule is to sanitize your input. Using $_GET like that is just asking for trouble. Do the right thing. Put the $_GET value into a variable, verify that it is valid input THEN try to open the file.

As said at the bottom:

  1. Try to dump the $_GET with print, print_r or var_dump
  2. Try to sanitize the input
  3. Remove the leading $ in your code (**$**fopen)
  4. Test if file exists in the specified directory with if(is_file($path)
  5. Isn t the problem caused by file extencion or permissions?

可能更多。 这还取决于你所使用的系统(Win, Unix, Mac)。

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