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我如何通过汞在先前的释放版本中设置一个 b?
原标题:How do I fix a bug in a previous release version via mercurial?

我们正在单一存放处使用汞。 我们有<条码>master/code>分行和<条码>。 分支机构(以及特殊分支机构),但与目前问题毫不相干。

我们贴上<代码>master/code>的分行,分出51.0.102等。 我们是在<代码>develop上的。

但现在我们要在前文中打一.。 这里有许多关于SO的问题,但似乎没有人解释我想要做什么。


  1. Update to the point where we released (say 6.1.1)
  2. Fix a number of bugs in that release
  3. Label that resulting code state as (6.1.2)
  4. Do a build of this new 6.1.2 codebase.
  5. Migrate those fixes into the develop branch
  6. Do this in such a way that I can go back to 6.1.2 and fix bugs there if need be.

我似乎无法通过更新这样做。 我试图更新第6.1条,设立一个分支机构,从那里进入,但这一条带上了master/code>的分行,包括随后的所有改动。

Is there a standard way of doing this? Did I explain that correctly so you guys get what I need to do? It seems like this is a pretty common thing to do.


你不需要明确设立一个分支机构。 我这样做的方式是:

  1. Update to the point where you released (6.1.1 in the master branch).
  2. Make changes and commit them.
  3. Tag the latest commit in master as 6.1.2.
  4. Pull those changes into the develop branch.
  5. Continue working.



You really shouldn t need to create a named branch unless you truly want to have a full-out branch. What you probably want to do is:

  1. update to 6.1.1
  2. make the edits
  3. commit (will create a new un-named branch)
  4. tag that new revision as 6.1.2.
  5. You can then merge that edit into your develop branch

As long as you are updating to a revision earlier than the tip on the Master branch, the commit will make a new branch off of it.


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