English 中文(简体)
铁路、 j和修路
原标题:Rails, javascript and updating forms

我的表格允许用户选择一个国家。 视选定哪个国家而定,我需要改变国家/各省的辍学率,以列入各州或各省名单。 我正在使用<代码>observe_field tag进行这项工作,但这在铁路3号。

因此,现在应该如何做到这一点? 我使用的是select_tag,以填平退数和options_for_select中使用的阵列。 所有的服务器都储存在控制器操作中,因此,我可以从 j带上。


https://github.com/jim/carmen"rel=“nofollow” https://github.com/jim/carmen

I did the following some times ago (AJAX).


        <label>Country <span>*</span></label>
        <%= profile_form.select(:country,Carmen.countries, {:include_blank =>  Select a Country }, :id => "profile_country") %>
        <label>State <span>*</span></label>
        <%= profile_form.select(:state,  "" , {:include_blank =>  Select a Country first }, :id => "profile_state") %>


def states
    render :json => Carmen::states(CGI::unescape(params[:country]))
    render :json => {"content" => "None"}.to_json

Javascript with jQuery:

$( #profile_country ).change(function() {
    if ($(this).val() ==   )
      $( #profile_state ).empty();
      $( #profile_state ).append( $( <option>No state provided for your country</option> ));
    else {
            type: "GET",
            url: "/remote/get_states/" + encodeURIComponent($(this).attr( value )),
            success: function(data){
                if (data.content ==  None )
                    $( #profile_state ).empty();
                  $( #profile_state ).append( $( <option>No state provided for your country</option> ));
                //handle the case where no state related to country selected
                $( #profile_state ).empty();
                $( #profile_state ).append( $( <option>Select your State</option> ));
                jQuery.each(data,function(i, v) {
                 $( #profile_state ).append( $( <option value=" + data[i][1] + "> +data[i][0] + </option> ));


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