I have a piece of code that has to instruct my servlet to do some processing. My code does not expect to get anything back from the servlet. Its job is to notify the servlet that servlet needs to do some processing. What needs to be processed, how it needs to be process is part of the URL, for example: http://myserver:port/myservlet/something.do?param1=param1value¶m2=param2value...
但是,我不想让我的法典等待从该信封那里得到的任何反应。 我的法典应该继续。 目前,我看到,我的守则提出过一项要求,然后等到服务器发出回复,然后才着手提出下个网站的请求。 多种读物是一种选择,但除此以外还有其他选择吗?