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Tomcat和java SDK问题
原标题:Tomcat and java SDK problem

I am trying to create a new dynamic web project in eclipse (in ubuntu). When I point to Target Runtime as Tomcat V 7.0 , I get the below warning

runtime "Apache Tomcat v7.0" is invalid. Tomcat requires a Java SDK in order to
compile JSP files. Ensure that the JRE preference settings point to an SDK.

但已安装的JREs已经显示java-6-openjdk。 我失踪了吗?

而且,当我无视这一点并开始通航时,它成功地在8080港开始。 但是,当我说过时,它向404个资源投了字,没有发现错误。





...... 如果你已经安装了联合家庭网络,那么你就必须确保将优惠环境点到SDK

ec只到Wow >> Pviss >>服务器和超;Tomcat >> Tomcat >> Tomcat 7。 X >> Edit >> and point to JDK not JRE.

如果你不发现“Tomcat”是服务器,你可能发现“停电”和“超常”;Edit >>并且将其指向JDK而不是JRE。


如果做不到这一点,你就无法找到这些档案。 更令人不安的是,当它要求支离破碎的家点时,你安装了支架/支架。

Tip : Sometimes if the directory name in which you have installed the jdk / jre has spaces then while pointing from tomcat will have some problem , better to hav a directory structure with whole words

As "Majed" says I d changed path for Tomcat server. And additionly you must to delete server in Servers on ProjectExplorer. After that Eclipse themselves asked about which one server to select...

Tomcat需要一名JDK,以便汇编由您的联合项目产生的服务器课程。 因此,你只是在申请开始之后才发现错误。

如果您的JDK安装有一台javac汇编器,则检查。 还肯定,你的Eclipse Tomcat Service Java enrironment给你的JDK,而不是JRE。

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