But I am not sure how to replicate that with Heroku console.
理想的情况是,我要说的是蓝色,当时我是heroku console-remoteing
,然后是红色的,当时我是heroku console -remote production
But I am not sure how to replicate that with Heroku console.
理想的情况是,我要说的是蓝色,当时我是heroku console-remoteing
,然后是红色的,当时我是heroku console -remote production
if defined? IRB
# whew!
conf = IRB.conf[:PROMPT][IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE]]
red = " 33[0;31m"
reset = " 33[0m"
conf[:PROMPT_S] = "#{red}>> #{reset}" # regular prompt
The crazy escape characters are ANSI color codes. The " 33"
is an escape character, and the rest is a code for a particular color or effect. You can find a list of other colors and effects here. That IRB.conf hash is a global conf for IRB. You may want to set a few other keys on it - they re documented here.
我通过使用Marco Polo gem 。
然后,你可以迅速改变你的 con子,确定 her湖的conf状。 你可以利用逃脱法来改变肤色。 在我的案件中,我确定,这种生产在五大背景(难以误导)下,利用这种控制顺序进行白化,以达到《防污公约》的价值。
不幸的是,Stack Overflow赢得了帽子,让我揭开越狱本身。 你们不得不使用“灯塔”++,并用X1B取代“ESC”。 之后,你可以复制并贴出在Heroku console的MARCO_POLO_APP_NAME的价值。 我无法将其置于指挥线。
untested, but something along the lines of this in your .bashrc or whatever may be what you want (it s not completely safe but you should get the idea)
function heroku {
CURTAB=$(osascript -e "tell application "Terminal" to get the selected tab of the front window")
CURTHEME=$(osascript -e "tell application "Terminal" to get the name of current settings of the selected tab of the front window")
HEROKU=$(which heroku)
osascript -e "tell application "Terminal" to set current settings of $CURTAB to settings set "$REMOTE_TERMINAL_THEME_NAME""
$HEROKU "$@"
osascript -e "tell application "Terminal" to set current settings of $CURTAB to settings set "$CURTHEME""
我把它用于sh,但从概念上说是一样的:凌驾于你的指挥,其职能是使用撒布特来改变终端环境,然后将其撤回。 基于论点的转换应当比较容易增加。
在我看来,当你把 alia子打成 alia子或bat子时,你可以将其自动化。 有一个条款,即简单的对应指挥可以改变你的肤色,直到你再回来。
#pretend this is a bunch of prompt setup
alias heroku-staging="export PS1="e[0;34m[Heroku Staging]$]" && heroku console --remote staging"
然后,仅打上 her湖。
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