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原标题:Extract variable definitions and variable reference from a C program

我曾被派到大学进行奇怪的项目。 要求我从特定投入C方案中提取可变的定义和参考资料。


Consider the following program..

1 int main()  
2 {  
3 int a,b,c;  
4 printf("Enter the values of a and b
5 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);  
6 c=a+b;  
7 printf("The sum of two numbers is %d",c);  
8 }  

And the input for the program which I m developing is a C program, in which single line consists of a single statement.. ie, we know that a whole program can be written in a single line. But not in my case, that is once there is a termination(semicolon), the lines following the semi colon is shifted to next line..


Consider the above program, In line number 3, variables a,b and c are declared, hence it has to be printed under the "definition" column of the output..


Now consider the statement 6, The value of variable c is being initialized/defined hence c must be printed under the definition column.. At the same time, values of a and b are being used to determine the value of c, hence variables a and b must be printed under the "reference" column of the output..


The sample output of the program is as shown below..

Line Number          Defined Variable        Referenced Variable
  1                       --                           --
  2                       --                           --
  3                     a,b,c                         --
  4                       --                           --
  5                      a,b                          --
  6                       c                           a,b
  7                       --                          c
  8                       --                          --

Can anyone tell me how to solve the problem???? Remember, I need to write a C/C++ program or even shell script is allowed for the project.. I need to consider the mathematical expressions, logical expressions, built in function calls, user defined function calls and function definitions as well..

Thanks in advance..


要做的标准工作是写一个象征剂和一个教区,以部分汇编你们的投入方案。 然后,你知道每一行的表述。 为了完成这项任务,你可以就以下事项定期表达意见:

  1. variable definition
  2. variable reference

并且为每一行铺设捕获物。 例如,可变参考资料可能像“除有效C类数据外,任何地方的有效C识别”。 此处的捕获量是“有效的C识别器”,因此只是在“可参考文件”栏下打印。

You basically need to start with a full-blown C parser. You could write this yourself, but you re probably better off using something pre-existing, such as CLang.

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