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Drup 6 Mimemail with annex
原标题:Drupal 6 Mimemail with attachment


    $body = "test body with attachments";
    $subject = "My test message";

     filepath  => file_directory_path(). /document.pdf ,
     filename  =>  wonderful.pdf ,
     filemime  =>  application/pdf ,

mimemail("xxxxx@gmail.com", "xxxxxx2@gmail.com", $subject, $body, NULL, array(), NULL, $attachments,  );

我做的事情非常相似。 我的法典基本是:

$message[ attachments ][] = array(
   filepath  => $zipfilepath,
   filename  =>  my-attachment.zip ,
   filemime  =>  application/zip ,

from within my hook_mail module callback. See http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer--hooks--core.php/function/hook_mail/6


  • enabled "mimemail" module;
  • checked the option in admin to "Use mime mail for all messages";
  • selected "mimemail" as the "E-mail Engine" (at the bottom of the admin page).

地雷的作业只是罚款。 我也安装了员工和管理当局协调方案模块,并使用作为电子邮件发动机选定的模块。

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