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TreeNode click event on ExtJs 4

I m using ExtJS 4 (beta 3) and I have a TreePanel that is my kind of navigation menu. It is something like this:

  • Jobs
    • Add Job
    • List All Jobs
  • ...
    • ...
    • ...

(this will be made on a permission system base, but that s another story)

On ExtJS 3, do something when i clicked "Add Job" was as simple as adding

       //my code...

to the root children elements.

Now It s not that simple. The closer i got was with (on the treepanel)

    click : {
             element :  el ,
             fn : function(eve, elem, obj){

So, maybe i m just a noob, maybe i have already a strong hatred for ExtJS, maybe is just a problem in this beta version, but...

How do I add a listener to the click event on the tree nodes? (the Select event won t do what i need)

Thank you guys.

EDIT: Currently testing with this, and it s not working.

 ... = Ext.create( Ext.tree.TreePanel , {
                        region      :  west ,
                        collapsible : false,
                        title       :  ITMI ,
                        width       : 220,
                        margins     :  5 5 5 5 ,
                        cmargins    :  5 5 5 5 ,
                        hideHeaders : true,
                        useArrows   : true,
                        rootVisible : false,
                        headers: [{
                                xtype    :  treeheader ,
                                text     :  Nome ,
                                flex     : 1,
                                dataIndex:  nome 
                        store: store,
                            itemclick: function(n){

EDIT 2: The itemclick event now works (on EXJS 4 final), It still doesn t solve my problem. I d Like to call a specific function when i call each treenode. Before it was really easy. Now i can t figure it out.


in ext4 beta3 (maybe in final release too)... there is no longer click event....
this has changed to itemclick more info

var tree = Ext.create( Ext.tree.Panel , {
    store: store,
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    height: 300,
    width: 250,
    title:  Files ,

        itemclick: function(n){


So, It may help some people who may be struggling with the same issue I did then.

The "itemclick" event is the way to handle leafs clicks, and it didn t work then for reasons I don t remember.

I accomplished what I needed by splitting the config I had in the database, something like


and then call this code on the handler of the "itemclick:


where ctr is the controllerName and fn is the functionName. This could easily be done with eval, but I prefer not to.

I could not get itemclick to fire with IE (fine in Chrome). I modified my code to use checkchange and it works fine.

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