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原标题:How to know when a user to a referred site signs up with or purchases from them?
  • 时间:2011-04-21 21:20:35
  •  标签:
  • php

我正在开发一种PHP应用程序,奖励用户支持 in比赛。 一旦我的网站确认购买了一台 in子,它将关闭我的网站上的某些要人区。

例如,我将在我的网站上与雷场登记页面链接。 一旦我提到的用户签字并支付其地雷手工艺的复印件,我的现场能否立即得到更新,用户能否成功购买一份副本?

This isn t specific to Minecraft either. I would need to include many links to other indie developers purchase pages.




Alternatively, affiliate networks like Commission Junction do the hard work of checking where the user came from and whether or not they buy the product.



Yes, just ask the user. "Did you buy Minecraft? [yes] [no]"


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