在Netbeans,7, 放弃了Ruby的支持:
Although our Ruby support has historically been well received, based on existing low usage trends we are unable to justify the continued allocation of resources to support the feature.
我如何在Netbeans 7中使用这一工具?
在Netbeans,7, 放弃了Ruby的支持:
Although our Ruby support has historically been well received, based on existing low usage trends we are unable to justify the continued allocation of resources to support the feature.
我如何在Netbeans 7中使用这一工具?
我遵循了该博客员额所述步骤——。 它运作。 休闲
Click Tools -> Plugins Click on
Settings tab Click on Add button
to get Update Center Customizer popup
Set name to Beta 1 Set URL: to http://updates.netbeans.org/netbeans/updates/7.0/uc/beta/stable/catalog.xml.gz
Press OK Click to Available
Plugins Click Reload Catalog Choose
Ruby and Rails Pat yourself on the back
Edit:现在,铁路线上的废墟可以直接在“Tools”和“Plugins”和“Available Plugins”和“Ruby And Railways”上找到(如果你没有在规定的道路上找到这一gin,你应当下载并安装最新的净水器)。
Reedit: 如果您需要Rub On Railways支持Netbeans 7.1 检查/http://blog.enebo.com/ 201201/workaround-for-ruby-support-on-netbeans.html
Oracle stopped supporting the NetBeans Ruby plugin, but the development has been taken over by the community. In fact, there are now more people working on the plugin than back when Oracle did still support it, including three of the lead developers of JRuby, one of the original developers of the NetBeans Ruby plugin and one former NetBeans core developer, all of whom would probably not be working on it if it was still controlled by Oracle.
They are still using the NetBeans source control repository, the NetBeans project infrastructure, the NetBeans build server, the NetBeans plugin server, … in order to keep the transition as seamless as possible.
总的说来,唯一的差别是,你不能再直接选择安装装置中的粉gin,你必须首先安装蚊帐,然后通过原始菜单安装蚊帐,就像像 Sc或衣.一样的所有其他粉子一样。
在安装期间,除<代码>Base IDE外,还安装了全版,并安装了Ruby。
The plugin center for Ruby from the Continuous Integration server is http://Deadlock.NetBeans.Org/hudson/job/ruby/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/updates/updates.xml
You can install the Ruby and Rails plugin for NetBeans 7.3.x directly from the plugin portal:
<>strong>NetBeans 7.2:
安装Ruby on Railways plugin for Net Beans 7.2,在上添加这一更新中心。 工具-> Plugins ->
Obtained from Geertjan s Blog:
Building the plugin from sources: I used and built the sources linked from Geertjan s Blog:
Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml. It could not be found
Find the JAR file (in my case it was found at /usr/comm/java/ant/ant-contrib.jar
), 并通过。
之后,它应当建立起来。 如果您希望使用原始材料,请上表。 Pack As -> NBMs
。 这将创建最新中心<>。 您可以通过<代码>将这一更新中心添加到您的NetBeans。 工具-> Plugins -> Settings -> Add • 《欧洲刑法》:
之后,您可安装Ruby 和rails
关于铁路支助的Ruby现已列入违约单元清单。 我无法仅靠净豆ide(没有额外的gin果)下载,因此我下载了php的捆绑,然后冲破了所有的“放风”和“铁丝网”安装了“鲁比”。
我也建议安装 g和c料。 s虫还没有列入700年的缺损原始清单,但你可以拿到一张 n子,用于。 我安装了0.1版,而不是0.3贝塔版本。
缩略语IREMOVE的完整清单是:Bugzilla, CVS, Hudson, Mercurial, PHP, PHP Documentor Tag Help, PHP Zend Framework, 软件作为服务,颠覆。 当然,如果你使用其中任何一种,你可能不想去掉。
我认识到这一答案不是解决问题的技术办法,而是答案。 如果你想看到Oracle再次向Netbeans提供正式支持,请考虑签署以下申请:
https://twitter.com/tom_enebo/status/319832359509839872“rel=“nofollow”> http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/38549“rel=“nofollow” Duncan and Railways plugin by Tom Enebo.
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