English 中文(简体)
• 如何在 Chrome推广使用 j门的公开表格上管理习俗
原标题:how to run custom function on an open tab within Chrome Extension using jQuery


To take user input I use popup.html with a few input fields. Input from this fields is transmitted to the page (content script) which executes the desired transformation.

The problem is that I cannot run a function which I define in a content script. I tried to define function in a content_script.js itself and tried to insert it into the page via

var new_script2 = document.createElement( script );
code = "function definition goes here";
new_script2.text = code;
document.getElementsByTagName( head )[0].appendChild(new_script2);

无所作为。 加上我,我也看不到 j的物体,即使我按照建议(http://blog.michael-forster.de/2009/08/using-jquery-to-build-google-chrome.html)“rel=“nofollow” 。

在活动之后如何在 Chrome延伸部分开一个公开的禁忌上运行习俗?


Below is what I have now and I solved my problem, the key is to be careful with message passing and functions initialization.

My manifest looks as follows

  "background_page": "background.html",
  "name": "some",
  "version": "0.1",
  "description": "some",
  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "icon.png",
    "default_title": "some",
    "popup": "popup.html"
   "content_scripts": [ {
      "js": [ "javascripts/jquery-1.5.min.js", "javascripts/jquerylatest.js", "javascripts/content_script.js" ],
      "matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*", "file://*/*" ],
      "run_at": "document_end"
   } ],
   "permissions": [ "tabs", "http://*/", "https://*/" ]

In popup.html 我创建了一个县,并指派了一个活动手向背景页发送信息。 html

    $( "#create-user" )
        .click(function() {
            //~ alert(allFields.val());
            //~ var annot = [attrValue, attrType];
            chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {               
            chrome.tabs.sendRequest(tab.id, {"attrValue" : attrValue.val(), "attrType" : attrType.val()}, 
            function readResponse() { console.log("got response in popup");} );


var tab_id = -1;

chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
        tab_id = tab.id;

chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender) {
    console.log("in bg.js addlistener method " + request);
        chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab_id, {file:"javascripts/content_script.js"});

and redirects them further to the content script to use for page modification. content_script listens as follows:

chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
//do your manipulation here



根据我的理解,除对某项活动(如<条码>关键或<条码><<<>>>)重新附后外,投放的 Java字功能不能节省。 (如果我错!)

相反,我建议使用chrome.tabs.execute texts(tabId, details)>,并在以下代码内撰写:tdetails.code,或使该代码通过<条形形码.js文档中添加。

But again, injected functions will be removed once the script is finished.
So put your function and other code in a content script, inject it, and your content script can use its function(s) until the script finishes.

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